Author Archives: Tolar Editor

Abilene Tech News: Disaster Recovery and Spoofing Attack

We recently saw some news items here in Abilene that reminded us that no matter [...]

Product Review: Time Clock Plus Time and Attendance Software

Tolar Systems recently became a certified re-seller of TimeClock Plus time and attendance software. TimeClock [...]

5 Data Security (and Other) Lessons from the 2016 Election Cycle

From email leaks to social media etiquette, the 2016 election cycle is highly controversial It’s [...]

Five Signs Your I.T. Equipment is Out of Date

Your I.T. equipment is an important asset that requires planning. Asset and life cycle management are [...]

Refresh or Recycle? 5 Reasons to Ditch Old Technology Equipment

Deciding when and how to pull the plug on your old technology equipment is challenging for many business [...]

Phone Systems: The Backbone of your Business – Part 2

In our last post we discussed a few of the things that modern phone systems [...]

Phone Systems: Backbone of your Business – Part 1

With the advent of mobile phones and applications like Skype, many business owners are wondering [...]

Web Domains: Do You Own Yours?

Domains, or domain names, are an integral part of business branding, but many people don’t understand why they matter. [...]

Playing Pokemon Go? Know the Risks!

Niantic’s Pokemon Go is one of the most popular smartphone games ever released. More than [...]

