Tolar Systems Blog

6 Telltale Signs of a Phishing Attack

Phishing attacks are one of the most common threats that businesses face online today. They [...]

How Security Awareness Training Transforms Your Staff into a Cybersecurity Asset

Developments in technology provide the means for ever greater cybersecurity protections—but along with that, cyber [...]

Necessary Elements of a Disaster Recovery Plan

As digitization continues to become the norm, it’s an undeniable fact that your IT is [...]

What Businesses Can Learn from the SolarWinds Attack on U.S. Federal Agencies

Some of the most important agencies within the United States government have been under attack [...]

Ransomware Poses Increasing Threat to Healthcare Companies

The age of technology has brought exponential advancements to the healthcare industry, but it has [...]

Tech Tips for Texas Small Businesses

This year has proved more difficult for small businesses than anyone could have anticipated. Nonetheless, [...]

5 Types of Disaster Most Likely to Damage Your IT

Technology is vitally important for any business’s success in today’s fast-paced world. It allows companies [...]

4 Signs Co-Managed IT Services Are Right for Your Company

Traditionally, businesses have had to choose between hiring an in-house IT team and outsourcing their [...]

Why Quality IT is Essential for Small Businesses

There are many factors that go into successfully starting your own small business; first and [...]

What We’ve Learned About Business Continuity from COVID-19

COVID-19 has affected business continuity across every industry. While we’re not out of danger yet, [...]