New Year’s 2023: Resolve to Keep Your Business Protected with Managed Technology Solutions

male managed technology professional in server room

Happy New Year! With a fresh new start and bright horizons, January is a perfect time to reflect on the previous year and set attainable goals for the future. Many organizations are looking inward and seeking to improve cybersecurity hygiene, clientele communication, and overall efficiency. 

These are all fantastic goals worthy of pursuing, but many businesses may find they are difficult to achieve on their own. Let’s face it: we live in a digital world where technology is everything. Businesses that don’t utilize IT in the right way could be putting themselves at risk of a cyberattack, shut down, or data loss. Clearly this isn’t the way any of us want 2023 to start or end up. 

Thankfully, there is an answer: managed technology solutions from expert IT providers.

Threats Are Increasing Each Year

In 2022, we saw a substantial increase in cyberattacks. Let’s take a look at a few of the crippling cyber threats we are seeing only grow:

  • Ransomware: It’s been around for a while now, but this malicious software is still wreaking havoc. It works by encrypting your data and demanding a ransom for its release. If you don’t pay, you could lose critical data forever.
  • Phishing: This is when malicious actors send seemingly legitimate emails designed to trick you into giving them confidential information or clicking on links that can lead to other disastrous attacks.
  • Weak passwords: This has been an issue since the invention of the first computer. It’s crucial for businesses and organizations to stay vigilant in changing passwords on a regular basis.
  • Data breaches: These happen when hackers gain access to your data, especially customer and financial information. If this kind of sensitive information falls into the wrong hands, it can cause irreparable damage to your brand and reputation, along with serious legal repercussions

Managed Technology Solutions Offer Protection

Clearly, managed technology solutions are the way to go for business owners who want to keep their company safe from threats of all kinds. Managed IT service providers can help businesses design and implement security strategies that protect data and deter intruders. This includes:

  • Protecting your network: You want to keep your business up and running with as few issues as possible. With the help of a managed IT provider, you can set up firewalls and antivirus programs that keep your system safe from outside threats.
  • Managing the patching process: This is the process of keeping all of your systems updated with the latest patches and software updates. It’s imperative to do this on a regular basis in order to stay secure against the latest threats.
  • Monitoring for suspicious activity: A managed IT provider can use advanced tools and techniques to monitor your network 24/7, looking out for any anomalies or suspicious behavior.
  • Data backup and restoration: In case of a cyber attack or data loss, managed IT providers can help by backing up data regularly and restoring it quickly.

Our 2023 Resolution: Your Success

As we enter 2023, it’s important that business owners take a proactive approach to their company’s safety. When you partner with managed technology specialists like Tolar Systems, you get peace of mind knowing your business is safe from the ever-changing cyber threat landscape. 

We offer managed technology solutions tailored to meet the needs of any kind of organization, along with comprehensive managed IT support and strategic consulting services. Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step towards a successful 2023.