This month we’re shining the spotlight on Denison Helm, our Help Desk Technical Manager and Level II Technician.
He works with clients remotely when they call in to the help desk with issues they are experiencing. He also assists with some on-site visits for new installations of computers and network servers.
If you’re ever in need of assistance, Denison is the one to call through our Help Desk line. He’s always ready to aid our clients and make sure your case is transferred to the right technician.
We asked Denison some questions to get to know him better:
What major life milestone have you reached lately?
I currently have a 1-year-old boy by the name of Kodi Walter Helm. He is my first child and is probably the coolest kid in town, as well as the cutest.
What interests you about the technology industry?
The technology industry is a strange beast. It is constantly changing, from new devices/software to how network protection works. This keeps you on your toes and always vigilant. I love the constantly changing game play that is the technology world.
What do you like most about your job?
My number one love of this job is interacting and working with customers, both on the phone and in person.
What’s your favorite movie?
I would have to say the all-time favorite movie of mine is the Disney classic, Robin Hood.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Coffee . . . . . . lots of coffee. On the real though, I get to wake up and see my kiddo and wife every day. That is by far one of the best motivators a person could have.
What is your motto or personal mantra?
One way or another, it will get done. I am a strong believer in doing whatever it takes to get a job done.
What is your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is the cake my mom makes me for my birthday every year. It’s called “Everyone’s Favorite Chocolate Cake.” It is a sheet cake that is by far the most moist cake you will ever have. I have the recipe if anyone ever wants to make it for me.