4 Ways Outsourced Managed IT Services Save Your Business Money

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When you’re looking to save your business money, one of the best places to start is with your IT department. By outsourcing your IT needs to a managed service provider, you can eliminate a lot of overhead costs and see significant savings in the long run. Here are four ways that outsourced IT services can help your business save money.

Eliminates Overhead From An Internal Team

When you outsource your IT needs to a managed service provider, you no longer need to worry about the overhead costs associated with maintaining an internal IT team. This includes things like salaries, benefits, and training costs. In addition, you won’t have to worry about the hassle of managing an internal IT team. There’s even evidence that outsourcing can cut labor costs by up to 90%. 

Reduces Expensive Downtime

One of the biggest benefits of IT outsourcing is that it can help reduce expensive downtime. When you have an internal IT team, there is always the risk of something going wrong and causing your systems to go down. This can be extremely costly for your business, as it can lead to lost productivity and revenue.

By outsourcing your IT needs to a managed service provider, you can avoid downtime incidents. This is because managed service providers have the experience and expertise to prevent and resolve issues quickly and efficiently. They can also provide 24/7 proactive monitoring and other strategy services to ensure your systems stay up and running.

Reduces Hardware and Software Costs

Another way that IT outsourcing can save your business money is by reducing hardware and software costs. When you have an internal IT team, you need to purchase and maintain a lot of expensive hardware and software. This can be a significant cost for your business.

However, when you outsource your IT needs to a managed service provider, they will often include the costs of hardware and software in their service agreement. They can offer reduced prices due to their vendor relationships. This can save you a significant amount of money immediately and over time. 

Standardizes Your IT Costs

Finally, IT outsourcing can help standardize your IT costs. When you have an internal IT team, your costs can fluctuate depending on the number of employees and the amount of work they need to do. Also, if you only need IT on a break/fix basis, then your costs could change greatly from month to month depending on the health of your technology.

However, when you outsource your IT needs to a managed service provider, you can typically negotiate a fixed monthly fee. This can help you budget and forecast your IT costs more effectively. They can also offer customized packages so that you only pay for the services that your business needs.

Looking to Outsource Your IT Needs?

As you can see, there are many ways that outsourced IT services can save your business money. If you’re looking to reduce your IT costs, we highly recommend considering outsourcing your IT needs to a managed service provider. They can offer you exclusive deals and expertise without the cost of hiring and employing an entire in-house team.

To learn more about how outsourced IT can help your business, reach out to a representative from Tolar Systems today. We’d be happy to offer a free consultation to learn more about your company and show you how our tech can take you to the next level.