Tolar Systems Blog

Announcing Our Abilene Business Expo Contest Winner!

Last week, Tolar Systems recently exhibited at the Abilene Chamber of CommerceBusiness Expo, the biggest business-to-business networking [...]

Five Ways Microsoft 365 Can Improve Any Organization’s Productivity

From law firms and doctor’s offices to school districts and city governments, every organization shares [...]

When should I upgrade to Windows 10?

We recently blogged about holding off on upgrading to Windows 10, based on the fact [...]

The Threat in Your Pocket: Mobile Security and Encryption

One of the biggest security threats that people may not be aware of is found [...]

Taking A Closer Look at Encryption

Encryption is one of the most controversial topics in the IT industry, and one we’ve [...]

Could LastPass Be the Last Word on Passwords?

Living in the age of cloud-based apps can seem like a double-edged sword sometimes. One [...]

Using Virtual Teams to Grow Your Business

Do you have project hanging over your head, but no bandwidth or staff to get [...]

OneNote or Evernote – Which is Better?

Users of Windows 7 and later versions have probably noticed that they have a tool [...]